Tuesday, June 1, 2010

True Friends:)

You know you can always have a true friend by your side. She, or he, will never leave you. Other friends who don't know that you have feelings aren't even your friends. A true friend is, - Honest - she doesn't tell lies. Unless, she's lying for you. - Loyal - this friend is always by your side, through thick and thin! - Considerate - she never lets her wants to get in the way of yours. - Fair - she balances her chill-out time with other friends, and not to mention, you. - Kind - she makes you feel better and not worse when you're feeling down. - Caring - she never stops. - Understanding - she listens to what you have to say first. :) - Loves you the way you are - she doesn't care if you aren't popular, it's the thoughts that count. If your friend isn't all of these, it's time to save a spot for a new best friend. You won't be staying friends with her and take all the trouble. There are more friends in the world, in each country. More than a billion people. Friends, they are always forever. :)

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